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What are your Power colors:
Headline or Sales Pitch (Summary of what you are offering a customer).
Psychic Profile (This is an advertisement for the service you have to offer. Explain what you do. Describe your knowledge, background, specialties and anything else you'd like prospective customers to know)
Credentials (We recommend listing credentials. This can help your listing. Please have documentation to support any of your credentials. Credentials can include educational degrees, psychic membership organizations, affiliations and employment).
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Acknowledgement and Verification - After Submitting this form, you will recieve an Independent Advisor Agreement, SPG Solutions Advisor Questionaire, and two W-9 Forms via email within 24 to 48 hours. I swear, under penalty of perjury that I possess psychic/clairvoyant gifts and I have experience as an intuitive counselor, tarot reader, astrologer or psychic. I certify that all of the above information is true, and allow Atmosphere Books and Gifts LLC to look into any references they feel necessary. By checking this box, I am requesting a contract with Atmosphere Books and Gifts LLC - The Divine Hierophant.